USJC works to improve the individual environmental consciousness of our employees through various activities, to help them become good environmental citizens, promote the biodiversity conservation, and make environmental and social contributions in their local communities.

Kuwana City Adopt Program

As initiatives for Environmental Targets, USJC implements clean-up activities in the area surrounding the plant, including the neighborhood park, four times every year.

※The Adopt Program provides cleaning and beautification activities for roads, parks, and other public spaces by specifying locations for volunteer citizens and businesses.



SDGs15 Life On Land

Clean-up Volunteer Activity

USJC participates in a “River and Sea Cleanup Campaign” every October, an external event sponsored by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) at Ibi River relevant to the Mie Plant. We call on employees and their families to participate as volunteers in the event and actively join in.
We also cleanup the Oku-Osugidani River once a year where we discharge Plant wastewater.

River and Sea Cleanup Campaign

River and Sea Cleanup Campaign

Clean up of the Oku-Osugidani River

Clean up of the Oku-Osugidani River

SDGs14 Life Below Water

SDGs15 Life On Land

Activities to Provide Killifish

Every May, USJC offers neighboring elementary schools with medaka fish (killifish) that have been bred in the Mie Plant for monitoring discharged water. This is useful for science classes in which 5th grade children raise and observe killifish.

Activities to Provide Killifis

SDGs04 Quality Education

Alien Species Extermination Activities

Every May, as an alien species extermination activity, employees of USJC get rid of a specific alien species plant “Lance-leaved coreopsis” which is spreading around the site. We will continue to promote activities aimed at complete extermination around the site.
We hold an Environmental Month event to raise employee awareness of the environment in every June along with National Environment Month. Through environmental education and photo exhibitions, we strive to raise awareness of employees for contribution to the SDGs, global warming issues, and biodiversity conservation.

Alien Species Extermination Activities

Environmental Photo Contest

As an opportunity for raising awareness of biodiversity, every year we ask employees to submit photos relating to biodiversity, and a biodiversity photo exhibition is held to display the most outstanding works.
Through these efforts, we will continue to strive to raise awareness among employees so that they will be more interested in protecting the natural environment.

Environmental Photo Contest

SDGs15 Life On Land

Activities on Forest Conservation

USJC has been using FSC forest certification paper in our offices since the purchase in 2019 and cooperating in sustainable forest conservation. FSC certification clarifies that products from well-managed forests suitable for environmental, social and economic benefits are certified with the FSC logo. As more products with this logo enter the market and purchased, it is expected that properly managed forests will be protected, and timber can be consumed while preventing deforestation.
FSC logo is one of the environmental labels used as a guideline for green procurement.

SDGs15 Life On Land

Kanagawa Kintaro★Book Kifu

Since 2021, USJC has participated in regional contribution activities "Kanagawa Kintaro Book Kifu” in Kanagawa Prefecture, where the head office is located. USJC asked employees to donate items such as books, comics, CDs, DVDs and games and endowed 214 items which was valued at some price. Profits from the donation will be used by the "Kanagawa Trust Green Fund (Kanagawa Prefecture's green space protection activity)" to pass on Kanagawa's precious green nature to the next generation.

Kanagawa Kintaro★Book Kifu

SDGs12 Responsible Consumption and Production

SDGs15 Life On Land

Eco Cap Activities

USJC collets PET bottle caps and provides them to the organization which donates vaccines for children around the world from their profits of purchase by recycling companies.

Eco Cap Activities

Eco Cap Activities

SDGs 03 Good Health and Well-Being