Data on Environmental Impacts of Business Activities

CY2022 Key Performance

CY2022 Key Performance
CY2022 Key Performance

Changes in Environmental Impact Data Over Time

With the gradual expansion of our factory production capacity, both the usage (INPUT) and emissions (OUTPUT) of environmental impact data are increasing. However, we are working to reduce our environmental impact through proper management of energy, greenhouse gases (GHG), water, chemicals, and waste.

  •  GHG Emissions (Scopel,Scope2)


    GHG Emissions

  •  Water Usage (Purchased volume)


    Water Usage

  •  PRTR Chemical Substances Usage


    PRTR Chemical Substances Usage

  •  Industrial Waste


    Indust rial Waste

※The CO2 conversion factor for power consumption was calculated as 0.570 t-CO2/MWh until 2019, and the emission factor by electric utility is used since 2020.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in 2022

USJC has calculated our GHG emissions in accordance with ISO14064-1:2018 and our carbon footprint (CFP) in accordance with ISO14067:2018. We will use this information to proactively engage in decarbonization with our customers.

  • Calculation period
    January 1, 2022 -December 31, 2022
  • Total GHG emissions
    307,736 t-CO2e
  • CFP
    781.0 ㎏-CO2e per sheet

※CFP:GHG Emissions per wafer USJC manufactured.


Category of Emission GHG Emissions (t-CO2e) Percentage (%)
Scope 1 Direct GHG Emissions 51,421 16.7
Scope 2 Indirect GHG Emissions from Supplied Energy 136,346 44.3
Scope 3 Indirect GHG Emissions other than Scope1 or Scone2 119,969 39.0
Total Amount of Emissions 307,736 100.0
Breakdown of Scope3 GHG Emissions (t-CO2e) Percentage (%)
Category 1 Purchased Products and Services 62,547 52.1
Category 2 Capital Goods 29,860 24.9
Category 3 Fuel and Energy Activities not included in Scope1 or Scope2 25,241 21.0
Category 4 Transportation, Distribution ( Upstream) 378 0.3
Category 5 Waste Generated in Operation 320 0.3
Category 6 Business Travel 62 0.1
Category 7 Employee Commuting 1,440 1.2
Category 8 Transportation, Distribution (Downstream) 120 0.1

Since 2022, the global warming potential (GWP) of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report has been applied.
In addition, a part of Scope 3 was calculated using "National Research and Development Agency, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Safety Science Research Division IDEA Ver.3.2."

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in 2022

Water Footprint in 2022

USJC has calculated our water footprint (WFP) in accordance with ISO 14046:2014. We will use this information as our customers, and we work toward sound use and conservation of water resources proactively by visualizing the amount of water used in our supply chain.

  • Comprehensiveness
    Non-Comprehensive Water Footprint
  • Calculation Period
    January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022

※WFP:Water Usage per wafer USJC manufactured


Usage Phase Green Water
Blue Water
Gray Water
Supplier Phase 0.0 13.2 21.1 34.3
Manufacturing Phase 0.0 12.2 11.7 23.9
Total Volume Usage 0.0 25.5 32.7 58.2
Water Footprint in 2022
Water Footprint in 2022
  • Supplier Phase 58.9%
  •  Blue Water
  •  Gray Water
  • Manufacturing Phase 41.1%
  •  Blue Water
  •  Gray Water

Citing the Calculation Methodology of The Water Footprint Assessment Manual (2011)

Green Water
Rainwater withdrawal
Blue Water
Water withdrawal other than rainwater
Gray Water
Amount of wastewater discharged when the pollution concentration of wastewater is diluted until it becomes equal to the environmental standard of the discharge water body(Indicators used: BOD, COD, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, SS)

In addition, part of the WFP at the raw material procurement stage was calculated using "National Research and Development Agency, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Safety Science Research Division IDEA Ver.3.2."

Reduce Discharges of VOCs

USJC sets up exhaust-gas treatment equipment for emission prevention of acid and alkaline gas, takes measures to remove organic exhaust-gas (VOCs) by adsorption systems using activated charcoal, and works to reduce the effects on the environment.
In 2022, VOCs emissions increased by approximately 1.3 times compared to the previous year due to increased plant operations. Since VOCs emissions are expected to increase in the future due to high operations, we built an activated carbon adsorption facility for VOCs in 2023 to reduce emissions.

  •  VOC emissions


    VOC emissions

  • SDGs12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Reduce PFCs Emissions

We have been making effort to reduce GHG emissions other than CO2 (PFC, HFC, NF3, SF6). On production lines, catalytic decomposition systems have been installed on all equipment producing GHG, and we aggressively promote GHG emission reduction.
The calculation method has been changed from the IPCC Guidelines 2006 Revision to the 2019 Revision starting with the 2021 results. As a result, more of by-product PFCs generation and emissions were included in the calculation.

  •  PFCs Emissions


    PFCs Emissions

  • SDGs12 Responsible Consumption and Production

    SDGs 13 Climate Action