Occupational Health and Safety Policy

USJC will put the safety and health of all people working in our company first, respecting consultation and participation with workers and working to ensure a healthy and comfortable work environment.

  1. With the goal of achieving zero occupational accidents, we will formulate goals and action plans based on our policies and manage their progress with the participation of all people working at the company in order to eliminate all hazards and harmful factors in the workplace and will operate the PDCA cycle appropriately. We will also promote traffic safety activities by raising the awareness of workers with the goal of reducing traffic accidents.
  2. We will comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Law and other related laws and regulations and ensure the health and safety of workers in accordance with the safety and health regulations established by the Company.
  3. Through the appropriate implementation and operation of our occupational health and safety management system, we will strive for continuous improvement and maintain and enhance good performance.
  4. In order to eliminate sources of danger and reduce health and safety risks, we will conduct risk assessments in all workplaces to prevent occupational accidents.
  5. We will strengthen our disaster prevention system, minimize damage to life and property, and strive to maintain or smoothly restore operations.
  6. To reduce the fatigue and stress of workers, we support the promotion of a comfortable work environment and health promotion.


In July 2022, USJC was certified to Occupational Safety and Health Management System “ISO45001:2018”.

Date of
United Semiconductor Japan Co., Ltd Yokohama Head Office
Mie Plant
JACO 28-July-2022 27-July-2025 WS22J001