

USJC Donates “Medaka” Killifish for Monitoring Wastewater at Mie Plant to Tadonaka Elementary School

As part of our social contribution activities, USJC donated killifish known as “Medaka” in Japanese, for monitoring wastewater at Mie Plant to nearby elementary school on April 19. 

(Photos of 22 adult killifish, 7 young killifish and teaching class)

Comment from students of Tadonaka Elementary School
 “I would like to keep Medaka healthy.” 
 “I hope they will lay eggs.” 
 “I could understand the structure of Medaka’s body.” 

※We have received permission from the principal of the school to post images and comments on USJC website as well as permission from the parents to post photos of their children. 

Other Comments
USJC visited the elementary school and donated Medaka before national holidays in May. They had a class with “Medaka” after the holidays and gave us a letter about it. We are very pleased to know how the class was going. 


