USJC Participates in Book Donation Project “Kanagawa Kintaro Book Kifu”
USJC aims to encourage employees’ environmental citizenship and make environmental contributions rooted in the local community.
USJC participated in a book donation project called “Kanagawa Kintaro Book Kifu” as a part of our social contribution activities for the fourth year. The donation is a local contribution activity in Kanagawa, where our head office is located.
Employees at the head office in Yokohama and Mie Plant donated a total of 334 items, such as books and games.A total appraised value of 8,118 yen was donated and this will be used by the “Kanagawa Trust Green Fund (Kanagawa Prefecture’s green space protection activity)” to pass on Kanagawa’s precious green nature to the next generation. In addition, items which appraised value was zero are used as recycled resources.
We will continue to strive to raise environmental awareness of every employee through various activities.

(Reference) Kanagawa Trust Green Fund
(Reference) Kanagawa Kintaro Book Kifu

*Trust Green space is an area conserved in Kanagawa’s National Trust Movement